By Liz Faermark, CCH & Faith Rodgers, CCH
As summer draws closer, the wild roses begin to bloom in wild and urban places alike. Although cultivated roses tend to receive all the attention, their wild cousins offer some of our most treasured herbal actions. Read on to discover some reasons to celebrate these beautiful blooms. And learn how to make some delicious honey infused with fresh wild rose petals!
Let’s talk about why we love roses.
They’re iconic. I mean, it’s not necessarily a coincidence that tons of artists have lauded rose with praise and adoration for centuries. This plant is just downright captivating. And such a being deserves every bit of myth, lore, symbolism and memorializing we can muster.
They’re antioxidant. Their petals and fruit are rich in Vitamin C and a bunch of other antioxidants. Now, I know you know the word and likely have no idea what it actually means. Antioxidants help protect us from free radicals on a cellular level. Free radicals are unstable molecules that can cause cellular damage in the body. And, bummer, they’re hard to avoid. So get those antioxidants!
They’re calming. The nervous system is deeply comforted by a plant like rose. This plant has an affinity for the emotional heart. And its cooling, toning, and slowing qualities help pluck us out of the ether so we can settle back in our bodies.
They’re diverse. Call the image of a rose to mind. Got it? You’re probably thinking of a big, luscious stunner with layers of silky petals. A prize winner. And that’s great! But there are so many varieties of rose that grow all over the world. Don’t forget the wild roses (five petals, simple) that dot the trails in the mountains. Or the scraggly city-bound bushes housing modest rosebuds.
Recipe: Wild Rose Petal Honey
- Harvest wild rose petals.
- Fill a mason jar with fresh rose petals.
- Pour honey over the rose petals and place the lid on the jar.
- Allow the rose petals to sit in the honey for 3 weeks. Turn the jar over every few days to agitate the honey.
- After 3 weeks, gently warm the honey in a hot water bath until it is runny. Strain the honey through a fine mesh strainer or cheesecloth to remove the rose petals.
- Enjoy this delightful, fragrant treat in your tea or any of your favorite recipes.